Methods (JS)
var tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(tokenContractABI,contractAddress)
let challenge = await tokenContract.methods.getChallengeNumber().call()
ERC20 Methods
returns the name of the token
symbol() returns the symbol of the token
returns the maximum diluted supply for the token
returns '8'
balanceOf(address tokenOwner)
returns the number of tokens owned by 'tokenOwner'
allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender)
returns the number of tokens that 'tokenOwner' allows 'spender' to 'transferFrom' on their behalf
EIP918 Methods
returns the amount of tokens in active circulation
returns the current 'challenge number' used for the PoW mint method. This is a recent Ethereum blockhash, established during the previous PoW mint.
returns the number of tokens awarded for the PoW mint method
returns the current difficulty multiplier for the PoW mint method
returns the current difficulty target for the PoW mint method
returns the number of times that the mint method has been called
returns the number of halvenings that have occured
returns the next tokensMinted amount at which the rewardEra will increment
ERC20 Methods
approve(address spender, uint256 amount)
Approve 'amount' tokens for 'spender' to spend on your behalf using 'transferFrom'
transfer(address to, uint256, amount)
Transfer 'amount' tokens from msg.sender to 'to'
transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount)
Transfer 'amount' tokens from 'from' to 'to'. Requires pre-approval using 'approve'.
approveAndCall(address spender, uint256 amount, bytes data)
Approve 'amount' tokens for 'spender' to spend on your behalf and remote execute the 'ApproveAndCallFallback(address from, uint256 amount, bytes data)' method of the contract at address 'spender'
EIP918 Methods
mint(uint256 nonce, bytes32 challengeDigest)
Submit a nonce and challengeDigest in order to mint 'getMiningReward' new tokens. The new tokens are automatically sent to msg.sender.
The nonce is a number that is non-trivial to find for a machine. Classical computers must use brute force, or guess-and-check, to find the nonce. The nonce is valid if and only if:
bytes32 challengeDigest = keccak256(challengeNumber, msg.sender, nonce );
uint256(challengeDigest) < difficultyTarget;
Since msg.sender is part of the hashing function, solution-nonces are scoped for a particular address. Only that address will be allowed to submit the solution to the contract. This prevents frontrunning/interception.